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Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)
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False Memory Syndrome
Stratford, Lauren

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Found resource results (4 Hits)

Spirtual Warfare & Satanic Ritual Abuse ($15.00)
Gretchen Passantino, Bob Passantino, Hank Hanegraaff Send to a Friend Request Information from CRI (RO478)
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An Evaluation of Theophostic Prayer Ministry
Elliot Miller Send to a Friend Request Information from CRI (PST001) - PDF
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The Hard Facts About Satanic Ritual Abuse
Bob Passantino, Gretchen Passantino Send to a Friend Request Information from CRI Volume 14, Number 3: Satanic Ritual Abuse (DO040) - PDF
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The Bondage Maker: Examining the Message and Method of Neil T. Anderson. Part Four: Spiritual Warfare & the Myth of Satanic Conspiracies &Ritual Abuse
Bob Passantino, Gretchen Passantino Send to a Friend Request Information from CRI Volume 21, Number 4: Neil Anderson: Satanic Conspiracies (DA084) - PDF
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The CRI Resource Center includes resources that have statements and positions on non-essential, secondary issues that we would disagree with. We also occasionally carry resources that include views that fall outside of the "pale of orthodoxy". We offer these resources for those wishing to study "all sides" of various issues and we make every attempt to identify those items by including a disclaimer in their description. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, by clicking here.

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