Product Description: .For accessible, reliable, and thoughtful answers on how to defend Christianity against skeptical claims, point readers to The Norman L. Geisler Apologetics Library on CD-ROM. With this time-saving resource, users can type a topic or Bible verse into the search engine and quickly find all the relevant information they need.
The CD-ROM conveniently brings together the full text of a dozen Geisler books on apologetics in the popular Libronix Digital Library System searchable format. With a value of more than $250 in comparable print editions, the CD-ROM library is sure to be a hit with pastors, students, and others looking to defend their faith in today's relativistic culture. Features include the complete Bible in the King James Version (unlocked) and New American Standard Bible (locked). The CD-ROM is compatible with Windows 98 or later Windows versions. Titles included in The Norman L. Geisler Apologetics Library on CD-ROM: "Why I Am a Christian", "Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics", "When Cultists Ask", "Roman Catholics and Evangelicals", "Answering Islam, 2d ed.", "When Critics Ask", "Miracles and the Modern Mind", "When Skeptics Ask", "Come Let Us Reason", "Worlds Apart: A Handbook on Worldviews", "Introduction to Philosophy", and "Christian Apologetics."