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B592.jpgHardcover Book
The Wedge of Truth
Resource# B592
Author: Phillip E. Johnson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $18.00
Audience: General
Shipping Status: 1 to 2 weeks

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Product Description: .Science is the supreme authority in our culture. If there is a dispute, science arbitrates it. If a law is to be passed, science must ratify it. If truth is to be taught, science must approve it. And when science is ignored, storms of protest are heard in the media, in the university--even in local coffee shops. While we may learn a great deal from science, it does not offer us unlimited knowledge. In fact, most scientists readily acknowledge that science cannot provide answers to questions of ultimate purpose or meaning. So to what authority will we turn for these? The deficiencies in science and the philosophy (naturalism) that undergirds it call for a cognitive revolution--a fundamental change in our thinking habits. And it all begins with a wedge oftruth. This wedge of truth does not "wedge out" a necessary foundation of rational thought. But it does "wedge in" the much-needed acknowledgment that reason encompasses more than mere scientific investigation. Johnson argues compellingly for an understanding of reason that brings scientific certainty back into relational balance with philosophical inquiry and religious faith. Applying his wedge of truth, Johnson analyzes the latest debates between science and religion played out in our media, our universities and society-at-large. He looks to thinkers such as Newbigin, Polanyi and Pascal to lay a foundation for our seeing the universe in a totally different way. And from that base he then considers the educational programs and research agendas that should be undertaken--and have already begun in some earnest--during this new century.

specialSpecials: SPECIAL BONUS: Includes an article from the "Christian Research Journal" by Hank Hanegraaff entitled "Harvard's Wizard of Oz."

*All discounts are calculated into the existing prices.

About Author: In his newest book, released October 2002, Professor Johnson teaches us how to put a variety of contemporary topics on the witness stand—such as education, science, logic, tolerance, gender and liberty—and unwrap the confusion by asking the right questions.

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